How to Cook the Perfect Fish Fillet
09.13.2021 Tips & Tricks
Curious about how to cook the perfect fish fillet? Fish can be one of the trickiest meats to cook but look no further UW Provision has got you covered!
First, you want to stop by either of our retail locations The Meat Market or Local Source Foods and purchase some Haddock Fillets or one of your favorite fillets. To cook the perfect fillet please follow these cooking tips:
Prepare Your Fish
First off you want to use your fish within a couple of days after you purchase it. If you plan to use the fish at a later date you should stick it in the freezer until you are ready to cook. When you are ready to cook the fillet take it out of the refrigerator 30 -45 minutes ahead of time. Make sure your fish is still not frozen otherwise the fish will stick to the pan and your cooking times will be off.
Cooking Your Fish
Heat your skillet to medium-high. When cooking your fillet it is important to not overdo it. For a thinner fillet like sole, flounder, and Haddock, 1 – 2 minutes per side will get the job done. If you are cooking a thicker fillet such as a cod or tilapia 2 -3 minutes per side will do the trick.
Tips When Cooking
Make sure to warm the pan first and drizzle a bit of oil into the pan before laying the fillets down in the pan. When you first lay down your fish make sure to leave it alone until you notice the bottom of the fish browning and then flip. To keep your fish moist and juicy avoid overcooking it. This will also help keep it from falling apart. You know when your fillet is done when the filet is a nice golden color and is barely firm to the touch.