

UW Provision Cares

UW Provision Believes in Evolution

In the past we have adjusted to make sure our customers remain satisfied, but lately this has not been enough. Like most distributors UW Provision is focused on bringing value to their customers, but they have proven that they go the extra mile by looking out for the environment. With trucks driving across the country, millions of miles are covered each and every day, which means that a whole lot of resources are being used to make sure they get to where they’ve got to be.


Regardless of how you feel about climate change, it is no secret that our planet needs some TLC. UW Provision is doing their part at making this Earth a better place with less pollution, and cleaner air. About 2 years ago UW Provision decided to make the switch to NGV (Natural Gas Vehicles), because it’s carbon footprint is now about ½ the shoe size, and it is much more cost effective. By taking just one truck and converting it to a NGV, it is the equivalent of taking 21 cars off the road. With UW Provisions 10 NGV trucks, they alone took 210 cars off the road.

When we asked the President of UW Provision, Steve Kalscheur if he would recommend NGV to other businesses he said, “Yes. It is better for the environment, and more cost effective if you can afford to make the initial investment.” We’d agree with that, because according to the Florida Natural Gas Association, natural gas can actually cost up to 50% less than gas or diesel at the pump. Steve has replaced two trucks every couple months or so for the past two years, and will continue to do that in the years to come. With all this talk about natural gas we almost forgot to mention that UW Provision is solar powered. Here’s a few pictures from the roof of the plant.










According to the Florida Natural Gas Association, “Natural gas is the greenest and lowest cost transportation fuel available today.”

When scrolling through their website…We found a couple of stats that really stood out to us:

  • Natural gas burns cleaner which means less maintenance, and longer life spans for trucks
  • Reduces toxic emissions up to 90%
  • There are currently around 1,000 NGV fueling stations in the US (with roughly 500 open to the public)
  • It’s Domestically Produced!

It is our own responsibility to take care of our planet. The more big businesses put their focus on to the future of sustainability in terms of consumption rates, the more they will realize that we cannot keep it up forever…and changed will have to be made. Here at UW Provision we know that actions speak louder than words. That’s why we lead by example by running on solar power, and converting our trucks to NGV in order to help make this world a better place for future generations to come.


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