5 Tips to Make the Perfect Burger
03.14.2022 Tips & Tricks
In this week’s Meat Tip Monday, we will be focusing on how to make the perfect burger! Want to make a perfect burger? Stop by The Meat Market or Local Source Foods to pick up some ground beef or burger patties!
1. Keep the Patties Cold
Before you cook your patties place them on a tray, cover them, and put them in the fridge. Keeping the patties cold will allow them to stay together and stay juicy while cooking.
2. Only Season the Outside of the Meat
When seasoning your patties only use salt and pepper. You can either season the patties right before putting them on the grill or season them a few hours before putting them on the grill. If you season a few hours before cooking it will make the patty even juicier.
3. Flip Your Patties Only Once
When cooking your patties make sure to flip your patty once. The more times you flip your pattie the tougher and dryer it will become. For a rare burger cook for 2 minutes per side. For medium-rare, cook for 3 minutes per side, and medium for 4 minutes per side.
4. Don’t Press Down On the Patties While Cooking
Pressing down on the patties is a super common mistake when grilling burgers! When you press down on the patty the spatula will push all of the patty’s juices out and into the flames. This will take out both the moistness and flavor.
5. Butter the Bun
A bun makes or breaks a burger! To make sure your burger pops, toast and butter your bun once before toasting and once after toasting.