How to Butterfly and Bake a Lobster Tail
12.27.2021 Seafood, Tips & Tricks
For this Meat Tip Monday, we are focusing on how to butterfly and bake the perfect lobster tail. First, you want to stop by either The Meat Market or Local Source foods and pick up some warm water lobster tails. To learn how to bake lobster tail please follow these cooking tips:
Prepare Your Lobster Tail
First, you want to butterfly your lobster tail. First, using a pair of kitchen shears cut through the center of the shell starting from the wide end and cutting to the fin. Make sure not to cut the fin. Secondly, you will have to pull the two shell haves apart and use a spoon to loosen the meat away from the shell. Lastly, carefully pull the meat out of the shell except for the end that is attached to the fin, you will want to leave that attached. Once you pull out the meat close the shell halves and place the meat on top. Now that your lobster is butterflied place them on a baking sheet. In a mixing bowl combine melted butter, garlic, paprika, salt, pepper, lemon juice, and parsley to make a delicious butter sauce! Finally, grab a brush and brush the tops of the tails with the butter sauce.
Cooking Your Lobster Tail
First, preheat your oven to 350° F. Once the oven is fully preheated put in your lobster tails and cook for 6 minutes, or 1 minute for every 1 ounce of lobster. You will know if your lobster is cooked through if it reaches an internal temperature of 140° F.