How to Roast Pork Butt
09.27.2021 Pork, Tips & Tricks
For this Meat Tip Monday, we are focusing on how to cook a tender juicy pork butt. First, you want to stop by either of our retail locations The Meat Market or Local Source Foods and purchase some pork butt. To cook the perfect pork butt please follow these cooking tips:
Prepare Your Pork Butt
First, we want to create the rub that we will cover the pork butt in. To do that grab a small bowl and stir in salt, sugar, paprika, pepper flakes, cumin, and black pepper. Once those ingredients are all mixed together grab your pork butt and rub the spice mixture all over making sure the pork but is completely covered. After that lightly wrap the pork butt in tin foil and place it in the refrigerator overnight.
Cooking Your Pork Butt
You first want to preheat your oven to 250°F. Once the oven is preheated take out your pork butt and uncover it. Place your pork butt in a roasting pan and place the pork butt fatty side up on the rack. You will want to roast the pork butt until the outside is crisp and dry. This process will take around 4 to 8 hours depending on your oven and the size of the pork butt. If you don’t let the outside crisp up enough your finished pork butt will be soft and soggy on the outside. Once the outside is nice and crispy wrap the pork butt in a few layers of aluminum foil and place it back into the roasting pan in the oven. You will want to continue cooking it until you reach an internal temperature of 190°F. As a side note, this recipe requires a meat thermometer because it is almost impossible to tell the pork butts doneness by touch. Make sure when using the meat thermometer to stick it into the thickest part of the pork butt to get an accurate temperature. Once you have reached an internal temperature of 190°F remove the pork butt from the pan and let it rest for 30 to 45 minutes before unwrapping the foil.
Serving and Storing Your Pork Butt
First, you will want to shred the pork butt with a few forks, making sure to get both the tender pork and the crispy edges. Once your pork butt is threaded it is recommended to douse it in barbecue sauce. You can store your pork butt in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.